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How To Guide: Enhancing Password Security in Active Directory 

Download the comprehensive guide on auditing active directory passwords for enhanced organizational security.

This innovative how-to guide highlights the importance of conducting password audits, and you will learn:

  • How to address weak and compromised passwords
  • The practical steps to strengthen password security
  • How to scan for a free pass word audit of vulnerabilities
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44.7% of recent data breaches included stolen credentials

88% of passwords used in live attacks are 12 characters or less

On average it takes an organization 207 days to discover a breach

Free Password Audit Tool Included

Scan your AD for over 1 billion breached passwords and other password vulnerabilities

This comprehensive guide includes a link to a free password auditing tool that scans your Active Directory for password-related vulnerabilities. You’ll get all the results in an easy-to-understand interactive report of user and password policy info.

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Please fill in your information to download the comprehensive guide on Enhancing Password Security in Active Directory.

"Businesses often focus on more sophisticated cyber-attacks, as passwords aren’t a new topic – we’ve been using them for years. But stolen credentials are the easiest way into an IT system and attackers pay good money for lists of breached logins.

Cybercriminals are so keen on credential theft as they know breached passwords are the simplest way through an organizations' cybersecurity defenses. Simply put, it’s far easier to log in than hack in. "

- Darren James, Senior Product Manager at Specops, an Outpost24 company.